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We all have Scars

All of us have scars from various accidents, bruises, operations, burns, scratching or other reasons.
Of course the sooner you start to treat your scar the better and more 'invisible' it can become, in the long run.
So below are a few recommendations for treatment the herbal way, in case of accidents 😉

If you have raw honey in your kitchen, you can use that, once the surface of the scar has healed. Leave the honey on for about 20 min. and then rinse it of and add an oil and/or salve. This both cleanses the skin, keeps it soft and lightens the scar tissue that tends to go dark. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

With all my products I always recommend that you apply them from 'thin' to 'thick' (fluid to hard in consistency) - and that goes with the treatment of scars too.

Surgical wounds, including C-section scars:
Use a combination of St Johns Wort Oil and Vejbred Salve on surface healed, clean skin. Gently apply by massaging the scar, to heal and minimize the decolourisation, and prevent scar tissue, do it twice a day.

Sun burns: 
Spray the area with Witch Hazel or Lavender Rosemary Floral Water.
Apply St Johns Wort Oil. If it is a severe burn add Vejbred Salve on top.
For larger areas you can also use Hyldeblomst Kropssmør

Heat burns:
We recommend that you use a combination of St Johns Wort Oil and Vejbred Salve on intact skin.

Ulcers / Rashes due to scratching:
St Johns Wort Oil if the skin is very red. Combine with Hyldeblomst Kropssmør.
If some spots are severely dry/cracked use Guld Salve or Honey-Propolis Rescue Balm.

Cracks in skin folds:
Usually behind areas that tend to be humid. If your skin gets humid in skin folds etc., you can prevent it from cracking, by applying a thin layer of St Johns Wort Oil, or another salve/balm/body butter like Vejbred Salve or Guld Salve / Honey-Propolis Rescue Balm, on clean, moist skin.
You may combine several products.
If skin tends to be red/irritated, you might want to use St Johns Wort Oil and/or Vejbred Salve.

Very itchy skin:
Start with a thin layer of St Johns Wort Oil, then apply either Vejbred Salve or Hyldeblomst Kropssmør on top. Vejbred is very calming and soothes itchy skin.
Hyldeblomst is nourishing and softening, and helps keep the surface of your skin intact.