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Gua Sha tool- small / handmade in Dk/danish fruit tree

Regular price 330,00 kr Sale

Handmade travel size wooden Gua Sha tool for face and body. Handmade in Denmark from Danish Fruit Trees.

Measures approximately 8x4.5 cm, but they are all unique.

Apply an oil of your choice to you skin, and then start to stroke the oil saturated skin with the Gua Sha tool. 
When you buy this tool, you’ll also receive a guide (in print) with instructions and points to stroke, made in collaboration with Fattima Loreen, acupuncturist.

Gua Sha is an ancient technique from Chinese medicine, that will help promote blood flow in the skin, enhance your glow, help relieve muscle tension, and also make the oils/salves you use during and after, penetrate the skin on a deeper level.

Try using it with St Johns Wort Oil and end the treatment with your favourite Floral Water and Uplifting Ruth or Radiant Esther


Håndlavet Gua Sha redskab, fremstillet i Danmark af danske frugttræer, som kan bruges både i ansigtet og på kroppen.

Måler cirka 8x4.5 cm, men de er alle unikke.

Bør anvendes sammen med olie, således at du påfører olie på huden, og derefter stryger henover den oliemættede hud.
Når du køber dette redskab, modtager du også en guide med punkter til ansigtsguasha, lavet i samarbejde med akupunktør Fattima Loreen. Gua Sha teknikken fremmer blodgennemstrømningen i huden, lindre muskelspændinger, og fremme gløden samt optagelsen af olierne/salverne.

Prøv den sammen med St Johns Wort Oil, og afslut behandlingen med en Floral Water, og gerne Uplifting Ruth eller Radiant Esther.