Kul til røgelse / charcoal for incense
Regular price
25,00 kr
Charcoal made from organic Apple trees.
You will get a roll with 7 pieces of charcoal.
Light the charcoal with fire, and leave it on something suitable for heat. You Can also make your own from a porcelain or clay plate/pot with salt, and place the charcoal on the salt.
Let the charcoal burn until the whole piece is lit. It might take a few minutes.
Then add pieces of incense until the desired amount of scent has been released.
Product info: 100 % ecological composition (apple tree raw material)
Through continuous quality improvement and the use of state-of-the-art expert technologies, this charcoal is made especially for incense burning, is environmentally friendly, and quickly flammable coal without harmful nitrate, corrosive smoke and unpleasant odors.
Kul fra økologiske æbletræer
Du modtager en rulle med 7 stykker kul, som antændes med ild, og placeres på et ildfast fad.
Du antænder kullet, og lader det brænde intil hele nulstillet er antændt. Herefter lægger du lidt røgelse af gangen ovenpå kullet, til der dufter behageligt.
Kullet er fremstillet specifikt til brug af røgelse, og lavet af økologiske æbletræer, uden nitrat.